Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Gate Keeper

Recently I read an article from a colleague who is also considered to be a "sales guru."  The content of the article was specific to "getting beyond the gate keeper."  His strategy included using coy language and what I consider to be bullying tactics.  I could not disagree with him more!

Since most "gate keepers" or administrative assistants are women, I resent this advice on so many levels.  First of all, bullying is never a good strategy.  Second, I think that this kind of advice validates the negative imaging associated with salespeople. As a salesperson myself (and it is my belief that WE ARE ALL IN SALES) it's important to remember that WE ARE IN THE RELATIONSHIP BUSINESSWhen you are in the business of building relationships, being coy or being a bully can NEVER be part of the sales equation.

It has been my lived experience that the administrative assistant  IS my greatest advocate.  She can get my information to the key individual more quickly, more concisely, and more effectively than I can on my own. She is part of my relationship, and I value what she can teach me about this client that I otherwise would not know.

A better strategy would be to actively build a relationship with the gate keeper FIRST.  Just as you would in the beginning of any relationship, engage in this relationship. This person holds the keys to where you want to go next; approach with caution and care.  A good deal of my early speaking work included speaking for administrative assistants specific to professional development.  Their number one complaint was that often times salespeople did not treat them with dignity and respect.  Huge error.

The next time you are making a call--on the phone or in person--remember this, The Gate Keeper has the power to open the doors to your future.  Might make sense to pause a minute and thank her--in advance-- for her assistance!

Now Get Your Big Girl Pants On ... and SELL Something!~

For more information on sales negotiation skills go to

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